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Drones and Aerial Observation
The Pioneer Detectives
I published a short book with The Millions.
It's the story of the Pioneer Anomaly, a long-standing mystery. The book is short and fun—the length of a novella—but also, in the words of Amazon's reviewer, "powerful and sad". If you've got any curiosity about how NASA works behind the scenes or why scientists believe what they do, I think you'll enjoy the book.
It is available on Amazon as a Kindle Single and also on Apple's iBooks.Drone Wars
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The Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI)
15 February 2007
Can the old Mexico play its part in forging the new?
A leadership election in the former ruling party could help President Calderón
Felipe Calderón takes office
7 December 2006
Amid the tumult, a voice of authority
A solid if unspectacular start for the president of a divided country
Mexico’s long Presidential election draws to a close
12 October 2006
Chemical reaction
The end of the line for Andrés Manuel López Obrador?
Mexico’s presidential election nears resolution
21 September 2006
The left cannot hold
Mr López Obrador’s campaign of “civil resistance” starts to fizzle
Mexico’s presidential election: result
7 September 2006
Game, set and matches
Felipe Calderón is proclaimed president-elect, but will the loser give in?
Mexico’s presidential election: in limbo
31 August 2006
The court v the street
Felipe Calderón moves a step closer to the presidency but his opponent threatens to make Mexico ungovernable
Demonstrations in Mexico
27 July 2006
Learning by not doing
A teachers’ strike in a poor state has wider implications
Mexico’s presidential election: Tie?
20 July 2006
Uncivilly resistant
The loser looks unlikely ever to concede defeat
Mexico’s elections
13 July 2006
A nation awaits
With court challenges under way, a clear winner looks unlikely before September
Mexico’s presidential election: down to the wire
6 July 2006
The closest of victories
Felipe Calderón, a business-friendly conservative, seems likely to be the next president. Try convincing the loser of that
Mexico’s election: What is at stake
29 June 2006
Six years of refried beans, and little confidence of better to come
Mexico’s next president must improve on Vicente Fox’s mixed record
Mexico’s presidential election: coming soon!
8 June 2006
A tie not broken
A fight to the finish on the economy
Mexico’s presidential campaign: Calderrón moves forward
11 May 2006
Coming from behind
The rise of Felipe Calderón
Mexico’s presidential campaign: AMLO weakens
20 April 2006
The front-runner under pressure
With his opinion-poll lead wobbling, Andrés Manuel López Obrador has yet to define precisely what sort of change he stands for
Mexico’s presidential campaign: the PRI as kingmaker
23 February 2006
The sinking of a flagship
Could Mexico be heading for a coalition government with the PRI?
Mexico’s trade unions
10 November 2005
Unreformed, unrepresentative
Relatively few Mexicans join a union but their bosses still wield great power