Latin America and the Caribbean

Ecuador and the United States 19 December 2006

Your base or mine?
A looming fight over the drug war

Correspondent’s Diary: Havana 15 December 2006

Now we make politics
Our correspondent enjoys the twilight of Castro’s Cuba Web only

Felipe Calderón takes office 7 December 2006

Amid the tumult, a voice of authority
A solid if unspectacular start for the president of a divided country

Mexican banking 23 November 2006

Underwear and overdrafts
Retailers, including Wal-Mart, aim to offer bank accounts to Mexico’s poor

Guatemala and crime 16 November 2006

Impunity rules
The gruesome cost of a failure to reform

Nicaragua’s elections 9 November 2006

Fasten your seat belts
The test of Daniel Ortega’s claim that he is a reformed character will be whether he can mix Venezuelan aid with American investment

Nicaragua’s elections 8 November 2006

The old leader returns
Daniel Ortega will be Nicaragua’s president again Web only

Nicaragua’s elections 2 November 2006

Who’s afraid of Daniel Ortega?
An election with much historical baggage and a familiar front runner attracts more outside meddling than it deserves

The Panama Canal 19 October 2006

The voters and the ships
Easing a bottleneck of world trade depends on persuading Panamanians that the arithmetic of an ambitious canal expansion adds up

Mexico’s long Presidential election draws to a close 12 October 2006

Chemical reaction
The end of the line for Andrés Manuel López Obrador?

Mexico’s presidential election nears resolution 21 September 2006

The left cannot hold
Mr López Obrador’s campaign of “civil resistance” starts to fizzle

Mexico’s presidential election: result 7 September 2006

Game, set and matches
Felipe Calderón is proclaimed president-elect, but will the loser give in?

Mexico’s presidential election: in limbo 31 August 2006

The court v the street
Felipe Calderón moves a step closer to the presidency but his opponent threatens to make Mexico ungovernable

Mexico’s contested election 3 August 2006

After maths
An impressively bad loser draws the crowds

Demonstrations in Mexico 27 July 2006

Learning by not doing
A teachers’ strike in a poor state has wider implications

Mexico’s presidential election: Tie? 20 July 2006

Uncivilly resistant
The loser looks unlikely ever to concede defeat

Mexico’s elections 13 July 2006

A nation awaits
With court challenges under way, a clear winner looks unlikely before September

Mexico’s presidential election: down to the wire 6 July 2006

The closest of victories
Felipe Calderón, a business-friendly conservative, seems likely to be the next president. Try convincing the loser of that

Mexico’s election: What is at stake 29 June 2006

Six years of refried beans, and little confidence of better to come
Mexico’s next president must improve on Vicente Fox’s mixed record

Mexico’s presidential election: coming soon! 8 June 2006

A tie not broken
A fight to the finish on the economy